# of watchers: 6
| D20: 7 |
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2010-02-01 [Legendary]: soldiers muster quickly manning all defencive positions as kotetsu's army can be seen in distance-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha called her death blade to her as she waits.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:smiles
Rayko:ah impressive power level...and she gave you trouble
Kotetsu:well not until she kicks it on cylinders
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Charge.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: -the soldiers begin to advance-
Rayko:starts getting off horse- kinda like your girlfriend
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha just watched the army charge.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:should i?
Kotetsu:by all means...scare her a little bit
Rayko:smiled as ground started shaking-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha just stood there, her face looked bored and so was she.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:she doesnt know does she
Kotetsu:no not really no
Rayko:then let her see this -pulls hands away from eachother as the ground opens swallowing all the soldiers she sent out then he closes it- well that worked
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Nice, trick."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:alright now its time -raises into the air- some on little girl
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rolled her shoudlers,"Sil
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:smiles- let me show you why im one of heatra's elite!
Oristoros -rises hand-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha froze with fear then she shook her head as she puts up her death shield, so that anything that touchs it will die.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:smiles- whats wrong heard that sound before
Oristoros unos -smiles as her shield starts smoldering and she cant move-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha froze.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:floats till he is infront of her- you have seen this attack before
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha didn't answer.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:well if you have...lets see if you remmeber the next thing im going to say -smiles- oritoros duos! -smiles as her magic is completelly drained-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:whats wrong
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha didn't answer
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:slowly lowers her were she is on her feet except he still has her trapped in the oristoros-
Kotetsu:well that worked...we beat her in no time
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha ketp her face blank
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:oh my energy is prohibiting you from answering me -releases her head from the oristoros-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha still didn't talk to them
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:ok i see the silent treatment....
Kotetsu:lets just go find irene,and finish off her beloved master
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha growled,"You will leave my lord alone and they girl too."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:well that made her talk
Rayko:your not in postion to be making demands
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Oh I'm not?" the real Lisha asked as she walked up to them. "That girl you have trapped is just a maid." she waved her hand over the fake Lisha and it melted into the maid.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:smart move..duplicat
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha shrugged,"Brin
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:looks like a stalemate
Kotetsu:not quite,irene..s
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha pressed the blade tighter to Irene's neck
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Irene:became transparent- see -makes her arms go threw lisha's head- my powers make me a ghostie
Kotetsu:we let you catch her
Rayko:now take us to your leader....or i could kill you here
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha growled,"Then kill me."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:ill be holding you here -raises hand catching her with the power-
Irene:he is this way kotetsu -starts floating-
Kotetsu:im coming kid hang on
Heatra:is not in his bed-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha growled more
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Irene:h\she arrives in the bed chambers were blood is on the matress but no heatra- he's....gone?
Rayko:smiles but eyes close- so your not in the bed afterall
-cloaked person limps up behind him on the wall-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha crossed her arms with a sigh as she is traped within her own powers
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:let her go rayko
Rayko:as you wish -releases her-
Heatra:do not attack lisha
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Yes, my lord."she bowed to Heatra.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:lord?...
Heatra:does one of those anime freak outs-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha looked at Rayko,"No, I am not."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:still flipping out-
Rayko:hmm odd.
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha shrugged.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:and your the other wielder of the oristoros?
Rayko:your girlfriend..go
Rayko:and she likes you huh?
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rubbed her forehead,"I thought we where at war not talking about this...what ever it you two are talking about."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:oh now she plays dumb
Heatra:smiles while slowly reaching for sword-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Ugh."sh
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:ah the old double attack...nice choice
Heatra:you know me to well old friend -charges-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha charges
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Rayko:smiles as he waves his hand sendong energy at licha and drawing his blade and clashes swords with heatra-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha stubbled back and dropped her blade
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra and rayko are sword fighting back and forth neither seeming to gain any ground on the other-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha picked up her blade and just watched them
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:makes rayko stumble backwards- your good
Rayko:learned from the best -they continue-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha wnet to find Irene and Kotetsu.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Irene:look at them fight
Kotetsu:so heatra's body is being controlled..yo
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha saw Kotetsu and Irene,"You two will die."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:draws sword-
Irene:shouldnt you be defending your boyfriend?
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha frowned,"My what?"
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Irene:your boyfriend...he is isnt he?
Kotetsu:umm irene dont bother her with that
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha frowned more and looking very confuessed
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Irene:Heatra..
Kotetsu:sighs- women
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha shook her head,"He is my master and I work for him but not in a sexual way."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Irene:but you want somthing more dont you,my powers alow me to sence feelings to,which also affects my mood
Kotetsu:well thats a new gift
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"No I don't. Only to make my lord happy."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Irene:then why so defencive..all the blushing you do when he is around
Kotetsu:hey get out of her mind
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed and threw a dragger at Irene
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Irene:made self ghost like as it went threw her- just admit it its not like he is paying attention -points to heatra and rayko still fighting even lly matched-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rolled her eyes as she turned into shadows and disappeared when she got her powers back. That she had been doing slowly by getting them to talk.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Irene:time to go...?
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha appeared again and watched Heatra and Rayko fight
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:good -knocks him off balance- but not good enough
Rayko:your right but now we have what we came for,later -diassapears-
Heatra:drops to one knee for is still wounded-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha ran to Heatra,"My lord?"she helped him up
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:they got his swrod back didnt they..-laughs- there still as good as they used to be -wraps lisha in a hug- you did good
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha froze a little,"I'm sorry, my lord, they did get the sword and they took Irene too."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:pats her back- i see well still well done
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded a little
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:release
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha put his arm over her shoudler and she put her left arm around him,"I'll help you."she walked him to his room
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:thanks lisha -smiled slightly then limped over to bed and falls on it- that was tiring
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded,"Rest, while I get some food for you. Then I'll get someone to run a bath for you."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:lisha -he smiles- you dont need to do those things,as long as your ok im fine
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"It is my job, my lord."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:you no what -laughs- i tell you what,skrew you being a body gaurd,from now on were friends,you watch my back ill watch yours -stands weakly with hand out- deal
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha, O.O
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:well how about it lisha
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Ummmm..
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:well what do you think
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"That would me trusting you?"she whispered.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:tilts head- umm yea that would be you trusting me and vice versa
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha shook her head a little,"I'll get food for you and get someone to run a bath for you."she all but ran out the room.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:ok...i guess im still master and apprentice -shrugs-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walked to the kitchen and order for food and drink to be sent to the masters room. Then she went to find a maid and told her to run the master his bath after he has eaten. Then she walked to her room.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:smiled at the servants as they brought him his food,he eats-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed as she was just about to walk into her room
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:HI! -practically yells-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha jumped and turned to Twinkles with her blade raised.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkles is floating around- im your concious with wings :p
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha frowned and made her sword dissapeared.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkles:so im here cause somthing is on your mind so telll me,or i could read your mind...your choice
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Leave me." she walked into her room and locked the door.
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:passes threw door- im transparent lol,so tell me
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Who are you? And why do you care?"
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:ok ill say it again,you know that little voice in your head that kicks in when somthing in your life is a big deal,that would be me
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rolled her eyes,"Like I care, now leave me alone."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:i cant,im your personall fairy AKA annoyance until i solve your grief
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I have no grief for you to solve, now leave."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:then why wont you tell "Master" that you will be his friend and trust him?
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I don't trust anyone. "
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:why...
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I don't trust anyone."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:then tell me why or do i have to do my magic thingy
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed,"You trust someone...they just end up hurting you. Maybe even break you."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:closes eyes then opens them- your speaking of your original parents
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"And the old couple that looked after me."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:your mother died giving birth to you..there wasnt any choice for her,and your father became a demon by performing horrific rituals to himself,he was a lost cause
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Which told me ever trust anyone with the same blood as you cause they just let you down."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:you just answered your own inner question,heatr
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"It's not just blood that lets you down. It's others."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:name one time heatra has let you down
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Others from the past."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:floats in front of her face- lemme show you somthing -pokes her fore head and they are transported to a white room-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha blinked
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:were inside your mind...but dont worry its not always this empty XD,im just blaking everything out to show you certain events :D
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Okay"
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:heres one of my favorites -pokes her head again making heatra's bed chambers appear- remmeber this night?
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"No."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:keep watching....se
-the memory is when heatra was having the bad dream,lisha rose to check on him and heatra grabbed her out of fear and tossed her onto the bed holding her down,lisha was startled,but heatra apologized however it led to the two of them sharring a kiss-
now do you remember
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Now I do."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:and if im not mistaken -makes it zoom in- you kissed back
enters my point NUMBER #1
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"it was just a habit I guess."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:oh dont play dumb with me,does habbit involve a blushing face -point this out-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha didn;'t look
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:ok lets try this one -touches her head as a large old white house appears- were are we lisha
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha shook her head,"I don't want to go in that house."she started to shake,"No...ta
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:come on im with you,and you have to face your fears
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Fuck no!"
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:fine then..you leave me no choice -moves the vision into the house- see not so bad -niol is sitting on couch while your past self is upstairs doing guess what-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha closed her eyes
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:your ok i promise
-past lisha comes downstiars and is immeadietlly slapped by the pimp- wow someone needs manners
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha opened her eyes
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:wanna see somthng cool -the fairy opens her hands and time freezes as she floats over and smacks the pimp,however with her little hands she can not do much damage Xd-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha just watched
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:makes time back to normal as the pimp yelps from smack-
see i can alter your past......
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"The past is the past, you can't change it. You might change the future."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:your right,no matter how hard i try you had a rough past -takes her back to reality- but now your getting a chance to make your future better
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisah shrugged
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:heatra has offered you his hand in friendship and maybe in more than that but you have to let go of your past lisha -floats and lays on her pillow- you understand
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha shrugged
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:let me show you somthing -pokes your head again and white room appears- wanna see what your subconciuos is doing right now
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Fine."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:brace yourself -brings up your subminded thoughts which are 2 things
1) heatra and lisha kissing
2)stranggling the fairy -
hey why you wanna hurt me -she says as she watches-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Cause you piss me off so much that is why, and plus you have brought up my past."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:but if you notice...there
Heatra:knocks on door- lisha
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha blinked and walked to her door and unlocked it, then opened it. She bowed to him,"Yes, my lord?"
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:umm hey about earlier...sorr
Twinkle:zaps her foot lightly when he says that-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"It's fine, my lord."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:i mean if you ever wanna talk about anything im in the master chambers ok
Twinkle:zapa her again-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I understand, my lord."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:ok then -shuts door and heads for stairs-
Twinkle:flies out from under bed- What was THAT
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Yes that was it. I work for him and I must do what he says."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:omg -flies in a circle angrilly- whby wont you just give in already,your not his bodygaurd your his friend
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed,"I'm doing my job."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:what would you be doing right now if it wasnt your job to protect him...i mean after all why are you protecting him,he could smash 30 of you with his mind!
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha shrugged,"Beca
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:omg..i
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I don't want my mother."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:then what can i give you thatll make you do it XD
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Nothing
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:UGH fine....i know what i can do -smiles evilly-
HEatra:is making futile attempt to limp up the stairs-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Like what?"
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:why dont you go help heatra cause he fell
Heatra finally gets up 3 steps then falls backwards-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"What do you mean, he fell?"
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:go see for yourself -points out door-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed and walked out the door
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:epicall
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha saw him,"My lord?"she ran to him
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:i think im alright i just fell backwards
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha helped him up as she nodded
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:i feel -grabs her as they both fall down and she is on top of him-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha grunted then she pulled from him and started to get up
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:sorry i slipped
Twinkle:makes mad face and slams hands down making lisha fall again-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"It's fin..ah!"she slipped and fell
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:giggle
Heatra:thats ok no problem
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha tryed to get up,"I can't move."she tryed again
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:umm need some help yourself?
Twinkle:oh this is better than watching cave men do math -maintains hold and starts wiggling pointer finger making lisha practically headbutt heatra-
Heatra:oww T.T
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Oh I'm sorry."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:eyes are closed- its fine -raises head accidentlly locking lips with lisha-
Fairy:gives self the all important mental thumbs up-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha froze, wide eyes
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:moves head back- sorry -slightly red-
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Uh oh."then she was forsedd to kiss him
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Heatra:blinks as she is randomlly kissing him-
Twinkle:hmmm but how long to hold her there
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha pulled back,"I'm sorry."she got up and all but ran back to her room
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha ran in to her room and closed and locked the door,"Yes i'm."
2010-02-01 [Legendary]: Twinkle:wait..
2010-02-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha ran to the bathroom and washed her face, shaking.
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